Error when inserting an molecule into JChemBase

User 761d9eb85b

14-11-2013 16:03:31



We use JChem.Net version 5.8.

When we try to insert the following molecule (Li+ salt) into a molecule table we got an error.

But when there is no substitution in cycle it works.

Can you tell me in which version should it work or if i should draw it in another way ?

Thank you in advance.

ChemAxon d4fff15f08

15-11-2013 08:25:10



Unfortunately the 5.8 version can not deal with the attached molecule (I have tested it on 5.8.2).

The latest version of JChem (6.1.3) handles the ionic structure and the Li- salt without any problem. We would recommend you considering upgrading, especially that you are using a few years old version of Chemaxon product(s), so many nice features and performance enhancements were developed since the release of 5.8.0, you might fancy some of them.


Best regards,


User 761d9eb85b

15-11-2013 12:44:41

Thank you, we will try to upgrade in a future version.