User 247a2c5018
02-10-2013 15:37:43
I have this following error during the use of jc_insert function :
Warning: ociexecute(): ORA-20104: Missing credential(s).Either jchem_core_pkg.use_password(...) must be called or oracle.server.login must be set. (See
ORA-06512: a "SYSADMIN.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", ligne 45
ORA-06512: a "SYSADMIN.JCHEM_TABLE_PKG", ligne 53
I try to run with cnfusion : call jchem_core_pkg.use_password(‘mdp’);
but no change.
User 247a2c5018
02-10-2013 20:40:56
cnfusion is the user who uses jc_insert function,
with this user, structures are inserted in the database
User 247a2c5018
03-10-2013 15:11:59
any idea?
I try to reinstall JchemCartridge without error but during the insertion of structures, i have always the same error :
Warning: ociexecute(): ORA-20104: Missing credential(s).Either jchem_core_pkg.use_password(...) must be called or oracle.server.login must be set. (See
ORA-06512: at "SYSADMIN.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 45
ORA-06512: at "SYSADMIN.JCHEM_TABLE_PKG", line 53
I also try to run : / purge-connection-caches
but same error...
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
04-10-2013 08:38:54
Which JChem version is this?
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
05-10-2013 10:54:03
I cannot reproduce the error.
The jc_insert function is directly called in a PL/SQL program, correct? Please, could tell us (1) how this program (function or procedure) is declared, (2) in which schema it is stored and (3) which user is trying to execute it?
User 247a2c5018
07-10-2013 08:47:37
Hi Peter,
$stmt = OCIParse($link,"DECLARE
cd_id cd_id_array;
cd_id := sysadmin.jchem_table_pkg.jc_insert(:molfile1,'sysadmin.sub_structure', 'sysadmin.JCHEMPROPERTIES','true','false');
it is included in a php script.
This script worked well before, except for the error ORA-00600.
Now I try to reinstall Jchem Cartridge without error and now we have this error.
jc_insert is stored in SYSADMIN schema and CNFUSION try to use it.
I run : ./ list-sqls-for-jcc-user-privs
+ ./ config-index-user
to allow CNFUSION to use jc_insert function.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-10-2013 14:02:58
Please, could you do the following:
1. stop the JChem Cartridge server (bash stop)
2. add to the jchem/cartridge/conf/ file the following line:
chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.servlets.JccConnectionManager.level = FINEST
3. start the JChem Cartridge server (bash start)
4. exercise the failing jc_insert function
5. stop the JChem Cartridge server
6. upload the content of the jchem/cartridge/logs directory.
User 247a2c5018
07-10-2013 14:18:35
I attach the logs folder.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-10-2013 14:57:14
Thank you. Please, could you perform the same steps as before with the exception that in step #4 you call jchem_core_pkg.use_password(), before you exercise the jc_insert function?
User 247a2c5018
07-10-2013 15:08:40
I attach the new log files
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-10-2013 15:12:24
Thank you! The error is actually thrown for user CNLECTEUR. Do you also call use_password for CNLECTEUR?
User 247a2c5018
07-10-2013 15:30:30
I have to check why CNLECTEUR is called, normally only CNFUSION must be called.
User 247a2c5018
07-10-2013 15:44:26
It works now!!!
by default, the connexion was with user CNLECTEUR
we modify the parameters files and the connexion with user SYSADMIN was deleted by error