User 55ffa2f197
16-09-2013 03:11:17
I have a stored procedure which insert records based on substructure match to another table, following illustrates what it does basically, and where i am getting Oralce insufficient privilege error:
execute immediate 'insert into structure_alert_result (smiles,pn);
select smiles, pn
from update_staging_tmp where jc_compare(smiles,''c1ccccc1'',''t:s'')=1'
but following plain SQL works just fine
insert into structure_alert_result(smiles,pn)
select smiles, pn from update_staging_tmp where jc_compare(smiles,'c1ccccc1','t:s')=1
We are upgraded Oracle to recently the procedure worked fine in Oralce 11.1.
How do i fix this issue, it must related to cartrige ....
ChemAxon 61b4fee994
16-09-2013 08:04:35
Dear Dong,
To use the JChem Cartridge functionalities in PL/SQL methods, privileges must be given directly to users , it isn't enough to give the privileges via roles. This behavior is not JChem Cartridge-specific, Oracle databases behave this way, so we can't make it easier. About giving the missing privileges, see the Admin guide in the documentation.
User 55ffa2f197
16-09-2013 13:05:51
Hi Tamas,
You are right we forgot to execute what is need for list-sqls-for-jcc-user-privs when upgrading Oracle, though DBA did :call dbms_java.grant_permission('IP', '', 'localhost:1099', 'resolve,connect'); but jchem did not do:
call jchem.privman_pkg.grants_on_jcobjs('jchem', 'ip');
just did this as jchem, the stored procedure works fine. It is always the little thing gets you.