jc_molconvert : extra line spaces

User 773d472e7f

02-07-2013 08:53:56

I am using jc_molconvert to export a molfile into a text file (sdfile).

This is producing extra line feeds in the output:

The PLSQL procedure is:

select jc_molconvert(CTAB_CLOB,'mol') into molfile from akos_moltable where AKOS_NUMBER = cur_rec.AKOS_NUMBER;

The complete procedure (SDF_AKOS.sql) and resulting output (AKOS_SAMPLE.sdf) are attached.

environment: Windows Server 2012 64 bit | Oracle 11.2 | JChem Cartridge 5.12

Please advise if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong.

Many thanks


ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

02-07-2013 09:47:08

Hi Bernard,

This has been fixed in JChem version 6.0.
