User 773d472e7f
26-06-2013 15:55:21
Please advise if I have implemented this registeration procedure corectly:
Server: Windows Server 2012 64 bit | Oracle 11.2 | JChem Cartridge 5.12
Domain Index built on a regular structure table against a CLOB column containg molfile data.
PLSQL code controlling the addition of molecules into a regular structure table : AKOS_MOLTABLE. In summary:
1. A candidate molecule is DUPLICATE searched against the AKOS_MOLTABLE:
select AKOS_Number, Published into pAKOS_NUMBER, pPublished from AKOS_MOLTABLE where jc_compare(CTAB_CLOB, pCTAB, 't:d maxHitCount:1') = 1;
2. If it does not exist then the molecule data is inserted into the AKOS_MOLTABLE:
insert into AKOS_Moltable(CTAB_CLOB) values (pCTAB) returning AKOS_NUMBER into pAKOS_NUMBER;
As per the cartridge documentation I am using regular sql insert to do this because this is a regular table.
I have attached the complete code of these two functions in the attached text file.
how is the DOMAIN index maintained during the update process?
Must I call an update domain index procedure after every insert?
Is the domain index automatically updated?
Thanks for your help:
Bernard D'Alwis