User bb0bf41f20
29-05-2013 07:50:05
Hi All,
I am operating the JChem service on the following environment:
- Windows 2008 R2 - 64 bit server
- 4 GB RAM
- Oracle version
- Java version 1.7.0_21
- AMD Opteron 6238 - 2.6 GHz processor
- JChem Cartridge version
- .Net framework version: V 4.0 (with multiple older versions present)
- ODP .NET version: ODAC 112021Xcopy_x64
After a relatively short period of time, JChem logs out, and I have to log back in to JChem through command line. The connection is not constant.
I've tried automating the service, but the problem seems to be that JChem can't be started and stopped through the Windows service console.
Does anybody have any comments/ ideas?