What is pubchem structures

User d8da4712c1

22-04-2013 16:03:13


In this post I have asked about memory management the answer was about pubchem structures " https://www.chemaxon.com/forum/ftopic10469.html&highlight="

What is puchem structures, thank you all.

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

23-04-2013 09:33:05




User d8da4712c1

23-04-2013 09:44:56

pkovacs wrote:




Thanks but I have my own data that I'll import it in the database, does it make the equation different, thanks.

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

23-04-2013 10:06:42

This is the "official" way to caclulate the memory requirement:  http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/admin/cartridge.html#server_memory . It is a bit out-dated, as the actual memory need has increased in the meantime. The method to calculate has remained essentially the same to the extent that the primary factor is how much structures you need to search. The lengths of the standardized SMILES representation still affects the memroy requirement, but other index data elements are also stored for each structure. As a rule of thumb, allow 200MB for each 1M structure.


User d8da4712c1

23-04-2013 10:25:49

pkovacs wrote:

This is the "official" way to caclulate the memory requirement:  http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/admin/cartridge.html#server_memory . It is a bit out-dated, as the actual memory need has increased in the meantime. The method to calculate has remained essentially the same to the extent that the primary factor is how much structures you need to search. The lengths of the standardized SMILES representation still affects the memroy requirement, but other index data elements are also stored for each structure. As a rule of thumb, allow 200MB for each 1M structure.


Thanks again Peter ;-)