function to get murcko framework in jcf

User 55ffa2f197

03-04-2013 18:17:40

Hi, I checked cartridge jcf package there is not a function for getting murcko framework for a given molecule. Is it possible to add this function to jcf?



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

03-04-2013 18:32:13

Hi Dong,

I've found some similarily named Chemical Terms functions:

Please, check them to see if they're doing what you need. If so, you can try and use the functions with the jc_evaluate_x operator (or jcf.evaluate_x functions).


User 55ffa2f197

03-04-2013 19:43:43

yes, it does what i want, what is the syntax of evalue_x look at the function spec of jcf package i have no way to tell, help please, i have mol table with smiles, and put cart index on smiles col.



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

03-04-2013 21:22:58

The jcf.evaluate_x functions accept the same arguments as the jc_evaluate operator (this latter is documented here: ).

select jcf.evaluate_x(smiles_column, 'chemTerms:bmf()') from moltable


User 55ffa2f197

04-04-2013 14:26:51

Hi Peter,

Cool it works great, i am using this in my procedure/triggers, so that once the new mol is added its murcko field is populated ... way to go
