View and CSMOL Import

User dfeb81947d

17-11-2005 15:36:45

Dear Support,

I declared View in JChemProperties Table.

Do I need to create the tables: VIEW_NAME_UL (update tables for the view) to use them for structure search?

Actually the physical table and the view have the same parameters but I still have a warning for the view when lauching JChemManager with jcman.bat.

Do I need to ignore the message?

Thank you so far.

Warmest Regards


User dfeb81947d

17-11-2005 16:18:13

I try to Edit my first post but I don't know why, I can't.

However, I put in the title something about Import and I didn't talk about it.

I have also discovered that Importation is Case Sensitive.

Changing the name of a schema and the name of the table I updated jchemproperties using PL/SQL.

The names where stored in lower case as schemaname.tablename

In a java application using UpdateHandler I used SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME

and have the following message:
JVM wrote:
The table SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME doesn't exist or size of fingerprint is not properly set in property table "JChemProperties".
I updated the schema + table name to upper case and it corrects the probleme.

Are you aware of it?

I thought in a earlier version of JChem, the JChemproperties prop_name where changed to Case Insensitive?

Thank you for everything

Kind Regards


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

18-11-2005 11:06:59

Dear Jacques,

Regarding your post about views:

First of all I must state that manually declaring views as JChem tables in the property table is not a natural state of JChem.

In general we do not recommend these or other kind of manual changes in the property table, and cannot guarantee proper functioning of the system.

Do I need to create the tables: VIEW_NAME_UL (update tables for the view) to use them for structure search?

At the start of every search JChem looks for change logs in this table, and updates the structure cache if necessary.

Therefore this table is requires even if there are no changes to the structure table / view.

This also implies that unless you also add appropriate update log changes into this table, JChem will return with incorrect results on the view after changes in the structure tables.

The format of update logs is undocumented and may be subject to change, so using the view may be tricky if the underlying structure tables are not static.

Prior to JChem 3.1.1 you could increment "<table>.updateCounter" in the property table to trigger a full reload of the cache.

This property is no longer used by JChem in the new caching system.

Instead you can execute the following SQL to achieve the same effect with the following insert:

 String sql="INSERT INTO " + logTableName + ( " VALUES " +

                    "(" + tableName+"_USQ.NEXTVAL , 'Updates')");

I still have a warning for the view when lauching JChemManager with jcman.bat.
You did not quote the warning, but I suppose it's about the missing log table. In this case jcman can create this log table for you.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

18-11-2005 11:44:09

I try to Edit my first post but I don't know why, I can't.
We will investigate this forum problem, thanks for reporting.

Regarding your second post:

This is not related strictly to import.

In the property table all properties are case sensitive, we are aware of this of course.

Since the property table is not intended for user editing in general this is not an issue.

Of course if specify a table name for our API or applications, we bring the table name to the appropriate form, so in that case you can use lowercase table names or even omit the schema.

Maybe you are were thinking about the following issue, where we have solved the case-insensitive handling of import fields ? :

This fix is not related to table names in the property table.

Best regards,
