Structure Checker

User 7b0ee04e66

21-12-2012 14:26:54

Good aftenoon

Can I use structure checker in the database ?

Is there a special jc_xxx operator ?

I would like to use the structure checker functionality directly in Oracle and be able to pass / reject molecules based on the criteria set.



ChemAxon a3d59b832c

21-12-2012 14:46:10

Hi Catherine,


Yes, it is possible, using jc_evaluate.


Here I quote some examples from the jc_evaluate documentation:


  1. The following SQL query checks the structure for errors, according to the configuration:

    select jc_evaluate('C[C](C)(C)(C)c1ccocc1', 'isValid("aromaticity..valence..queryAtom..queryBond")') from dual

    Returns 0 indicating that the structure is not valid. Please, see
    the example for the check() function for
    obtaining information on the invalidity of the structure.

    Please, see
    the isValid
    Evaluator functions for creating configurations.

  2. The following SQL query checks the structure for errors, according to the configuration:

    select jc_evaluate('CCCC', 'isValid("aromaticity..valence..queryAtom..queryBond")') from dual

    Returns 1 indicating that the structure is valid.


(Originally at Examples 11 and 12.)


Best regards,


User 7b0ee04e66

21-12-2012 15:08:39

Thanks a lot

This is exactly what I was looking for

