Decimal problem

User 8ad6931a80

06-12-2012 11:07:24


A user of one our databases in Germany has reported the problem below.  Here is a short description:


Float values get multiplied by 10 just by entering and
leaving a cell in grid view.



I'm running Instant JChem 5.9.3 under Windows 7
Professional 32 bit, German locale. Float values are shown in the grid view
using German decimal separators: "1,00". When I enter a cell for
editing they are shown in the English form: "5.0". As soon as I leave
the cell, with or without editing it, the value shown is "50,00".
Entering the cell again for editing, it shows "50.0". After leaving
again I am at "500,00".


Things tried:

Since this looks like a locale problem, I have changed
the decimal separator in the Windows control center, Region and Language, from
"," to "." and the digit separator vice versa. I rebooted
Windows for good measure and restarted Instant JChem to no avail.



Instant JChem Version: 5.9.3 (build: 201204232144-192446)
JChem Version: 5.9.3 JChem Table Version: 5080100 Marvin Version: 5.9.3 (build
date: 2012-04-20) Java: 1.6.0_26; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 20.1-b02 System:
Windows 7 version 6.1 running on x86; Cp1252; de_DE (instantjchem) NetBeans
build: 110214-aec102d89c78





ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

06-12-2012 15:00:14

Hi Mike

I understand that this is annoying. We try to fix it soon, anyway it would mean upgrading to 5.12. Do you plan to upgrade or is it not an option for you? 

This is somehow specific to German format and even customization of decimal and digit grouping symbols in Additional settings does not help.

The only workaround I'm seeing is to set different Format (probably English) in Region and Language control panel.

We are sorry for this obstacle.


ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

21-12-2012 10:19:30

This is fixed in our development version and will be shiped into production next year in January. Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or requirements.

Merry christmas!
