error of Overlap Hits copy

User 247c00dc1d

21-09-2012 14:58:20


When, after Overlap analysis I copy the value from Overlap Hits field and copy into an other text-fields there appear not copied value , but string, like that: [Ljava.lang.String;@427b6cc7 instead  ghj-0987 (it should be copyed).

Help please fix it...

ChemAxon 3b366b17e5

24-09-2012 06:06:52

Created field from overlap analysis is List text standard field (last item in combo box with available standard fields types in standard field creation wizard). The value is array of strings. You can copy the valou only to List text field type. We will consider converting string array value to single string in this case.

User 247c00dc1d

27-09-2012 05:18:47

pzajac wrote:

Created field from overlap analysis is List text standard field (last item in combo box with available standard fields types in standard field creation wizard). The value is array of strings. You can copy the valou only to List text field type. We will consider converting string array value to single string in this case.
