Cannot connect to remote database

User d2b863be0c

30-08-2012 14:14:45

I was using IJC just fine on 8/29.  I upgraded on 8/30  (upon start-up) and now I can't connect to our remote database. I am running 5.10.3.  I get a message that I've never gotten before that says "Connecting to database failed:  Instant JChem cannot reach your database server.  Please check your network."  To my knowledge, nothing has changed on our server or network.  Any advice?  I run on a PC.

ChemAxon 60ee1f1328

30-08-2012 14:47:13

" To my knowledge, nothing has changed on our server or network."

Please check this statement with a ping <rdbms ip> or tnsping <service/sid> in the case of Oracle.



ChemAxon 60ee1f1328

05-09-2012 08:44:27

This is being dealt with external to the forum, I understand...