Bot Plot error

User 8f0e0cac1a

27-08-2012 19:25:30


Whenever I use "Box Plot" with one data set, it showes below error message

java.lang.IllegalStateException: lower(999.0) >= upper(999.0)
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
[catch] at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$


Is this because of the lack of multiple data values to generate "mix" and "min.

Is there a way to get around this error message?


Thank you


ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

28-08-2012 13:11:53


I have moved this topic to the Instant JChem Support forum, my colleagues will answer you soon.


ChemAxon 99d87cf303

28-08-2012 13:25:52


yes, exactly what you've described. Unfortunatelly there is no workaround. I'll try to squeeze the fix into soon to be released 5.11.

What version are you using and how critical is the fix of this issue for you?

Thanks for the report,
- Martin.

User 8f0e0cac1a

28-08-2012 13:36:02

Thank you for your response. I am using version 5.94 and I know there are updated version 5.10.3 but my Instant JChem Installer keeps saying my application is up to date.

And another thing is that, I wish I can have a scatter chart with a categorized x axis. I believe current scatter accept numerrical value for xx axis. This is why I had to use  Box plot instead of scatter plot.


Thank you


ChemAxon 99d87cf303

28-08-2012 14:21:37

problem with box plot is in all released version. So update would not
help. I'll try to point out colleague here if you wish to upgrade anyway.

Yes scatter plot is currently restricted to numeric values only for x and y axes. Not the exact solution for your problem but you could use point colouring by category field (Data points tab in the scatter plot customizer).

- Martin

User 8f0e0cac1a

28-08-2012 14:25:50

I updated it but as you said same error.

I am looking forward a new version with categorized x axis for scatter plot very much.


Thank you

ChemAxon 99d87cf303

29-08-2012 10:58:24

Hi. I've just fixed the problem with box plot. Fix will be available in the upcoming 5.11.

As for scatter plot with categorized axis I do not know the anwer myself. Will try to point here someone more competent.

- Martin