IJC - Spotfire Connector: TimeOut

User 3f50102291

27-03-2012 16:20:17

The IJC-Spotfire connection times out when I try to load 60.000 datasets from IJC (shared project, Oracle DB) into Spotfire. The same happens with a result set of 2.300 from the 60.000.  (Please see attachments for error messages.)

Where may I set the timeout limit?



ChemAxon fa971619eb

28-03-2012 08:27:35

Hi Tilo,

I'm not sure this is configurable. We are investigating this and will get back to you.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

01-04-2012 18:46:16

Hi Tilo,

We have tried to solve this. Can you update with the latest Spotfire plugin, which can be downloaded here:

Please also note that there are various performance improvements that we plan to implement to make the IJC to Spotfire data transfer faster.


User 3f50102291

12-04-2012 14:52:23

Hi Tim,

I've updated Spotfire with the latest version of the Connector (March 30), but I still get a timeout. However, there now is an additional Web exception window(see attachment). Unfortunately you can't set the timeout there and you also can't close the window. (You need to exit Spotfire).


ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

12-04-2012 18:33:41

Please check if there are any errors in IJC. Particularly "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" can couse the error you described. If so you might want to increase the java heap memory. It can be done in "instantjchem.conf" file by editing "-J-Xmx512m" parameter in "default_options" to "-J-Xmx1200m". The file is located in "IJCfolder/etc/" directory.

Please let us know if this helps and whether you experiencing any errors on IJC side when comunicating with Spotfire.

Thanks for reporting this, we are looking at the issue you have described.


User 3f50102291

13-04-2012 10:05:22

Hi Filip,

Increasing Xmx to 1024m solves the problem on a local machine (Windows XP SR3) but not on a terminalserver (W2K8 R2, Citrix XenApp 6.0). I tried to further increase Xmx but 1024m seems to be the upper limit. With higher values of Xmx there is an error Unable to create JVM.


ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

13-04-2012 13:32:20

Hi Tilo,

I tried it on my machine and the limit is somewhere above 1200m with 32bit JVM. Using 64bit JVM probably allows more memory to be allocated. Please try it if you can use 64bit JDK (JRE) on the terminal server.

It can be done by uncommenting/editing  #jdkhome="/path/to/java6jre" property in instanjchem.conf file.
