User 55ffa2f197
02-03-2012 17:41:09
I like to drop cartridge index, and rebuild it. In the past I did this in SQLPlus using drop index idname. I noticed that through IJC as admim you can delete the index. But somehow the delete is grayed out for me.
Also once I initiate the index building can I shut down IJC client without affecting indexing job.
Just want to find alternative/best preactice way of doing these chores.
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
02-03-2012 18:02:32
I have moved this question to the Instant JChem section.
We will respond here soon.
ChemAxon fa971619eb
02-03-2012 18:05:03
IJC does not currently provide ways of dropping cartridge indexes or adding them, only creating/droping the table ande index together. Your best approach is to do this using SQL.Information of creating jchem cartridge indexes can be found here:
IJC should be disconnected while you do this.