IJC via java web start

User f1d45f3e09

16-02-2012 14:24:22

Hi Filip,

we succeeded to instal java web start but except me noone else can see the database of our project. So other users of java web start can launch intsant J chem, but they can see only IJC defult database, i.e. wombat, or only welcome window. They all get also an issue with a license.

I put in master.jnlp file (attached) the link for a license file (licenseUnige.cxl) and for our project (t5_project.ijp). We have an academic web license for 12 users; web server flag is allowed. What do I have to do or change that other users will see the database? If master.jnlp file is ok, might be that i did not prepare shared project since the beginning? Any chance to change this for already existing database?

Thank you for your help,


ChemAxon 3b366b17e5

21-02-2012 14:17:47


license is not correctly specified in master,jnlp. You need to specify license in in <application-desc> tag:


<application-desc main-class="com.im.ijc.jnlpinstaller.Main">

<argument>http://our-server.unige.ch/t5_project.ijp</argument> /></application-desc>

User f1d45f3e09

08-03-2012 12:36:41

I have specified a license file in master.jnlp under desc tag as you suggested but when IJC is launched from the web the first message i get is - Downloading license file failed.

Do I need to save a license file in a specific directory?

I put it in /home/user/Chemaxon directory. System variable in .bashrc is defined as

export CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL=/home/user/Chemaxon/license.cxl.

Thank you,



ChemAxon 3b366b17e5

08-03-2012 16:41:24

Can you send me content of ijc log file? Log file file is available  from main menu (View->Instant jchem log file). You can install license manually by copying it to ${HOME}/.chemaxon/license.cxl or in license manager:


User f1d45f3e09

14-03-2012 13:18:09


I put a new license file directly to .chemaxon. I did not try to install it by a wizard, since on a server seems to be ok.

But when I open an IJC via java web start it gives the same problem: Downloading license file failed.

I attached two ijc log files: the one I get when I open ijc directly at the server and the second one when I open ijc

via java web start.

It seems to me that via java web start the path to a license file on a server is not found. Where can I fix that?

Thank you,


User f1d45f3e09

14-03-2012 13:27:07

I forgot to say that we specified a path to a license file for java web start in master.jnlp as:

<application-desc main-class="com.im.ijc.jnlpinstaller.Main">



ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

15-03-2012 11:02:00

The argument seems to be correct and works for me. Have you specified the MIME-TYPE *.cxl on your webserver? Please try to access the address for your license file by using web browser. Is the file accessible? Are you using proxy server for accessing intranet(inetrnet) addresses?

The key thing is to access the license file by web browser. If so and problem in IJC persist, then make sure that the proxy is set(if you use one) on the system level, therefore IJC knows what proxy to use.

Best regards

User 0e84f981f7

16-03-2012 19:29:25

The licence file is at the correct place now.

We still have trouble to setup a connection to the database, is there a way to setup a connection without configuring mysql to listen on its public interface and accessing it through a webservice or some application running in tomcat (doing the bridge between the ide and mysql) ?


ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

20-03-2012 10:55:16

You can prepare a shared project using MySQL database as described at https://www.chemaxon.com/instantjchem/ijc_latest/docs/admin/ijc_urls.html and  href="https://www.chemaxon.com/instantjchem/ijc_latest/docs/admin/project_deploy.html">https://www.chemaxon.com/instantjchem/ijc_latest/docs/admin/project_deploy.html.

But I believe that correct configuration of a remote MySQL server is the easiest way. Please take into account that MySQL users can be configured in a way that they can connect only from the localhost -this is typical for implicit setting of the root account. Is not this your case? 

User 0e84f981f7

20-03-2012 19:53:55

Yes, this is the case, and I know how to change the "local" only settings in mysql.

So, if we manage to create a shared project, our end-users will access the database through a web service ?

It's just that if we could keep mysql closed to the outside world, we would prefer it.

ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

21-03-2012 13:51:24

Yes that is true. Shared project allows you to access the data through a web service and thus, you can keep MySQL accessible only from localhost(or specific IP). It also allows to maintain one project for many users in that way if you update it centraly, all users get updated project(forms, data-trees, etc.).