User de28439ce2
16-01-2012 14:58:54
HI everybody,
I have tried installing jws-url but when I then go to http://myhost:8080/UrlWebApp/demo.jnlp?startJnlp the demo project does not open. Instead, downloading the demo.ijp file starts.
Anybody having an idea on that?
many thanks in advance,
ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5
16-01-2012 15:31:22
HiĀ Vassilios,
it seems to be correct. After downloading you run demo.jnlp by "javaws". Jnlp files should be mapped automaticaly to javaws on Windows, if you have installed Java through installer. That's it, just run downloaded file.
Please let me know if this solves your problem.