User bc1ce546aa
13-12-2011 22:32:45
Calculated fields do not appear in printed hardcopy (or PDF captures). Just blank space (no data, no cell borders) where the columns should be.
IJC 5.7, Mac OS X 10.7.2, JRE 1.6.0_29-b11-402.
User bc1ce546aa
13-12-2011 22:32:45
Calculated fields do not appear in printed hardcopy (or PDF captures). Just blank space (no data, no cell borders) where the columns should be.
IJC 5.7, Mac OS X 10.7.2, JRE 1.6.0_29-b11-402.
ChemAxon 3b366b17e5
14-12-2011 10:36:33
Are you able to reproduce the problems on IJC demo project? I'm able to print Wombat (calc fields) form without any problem. The calculated fields are printed correctly.
User 791c148e8a
14-12-2011 10:38:39
It is a bug. Most likely to be fixed in next release.
User 791c148e8a
15-12-2011 14:54:37
And it is fixed in our development version. IJC 5.8 will deliver the fix.