User 9ef015d1bc
12-10-2011 20:00:37
We have installed MySQL 5.5 and imported our data in to the database
Single usermode works as it should but every time we try to gointo Normal mode it says our DB needs updating.
Log in single user ran update says it's fineshed still revice the error in the attached file
installed IJC on the server
tried to run it from the server as a normal DB user and as root from local host and the server name made no diffrence.
made sure there were no users that have the flie opend.
Jchem Version Info:
Instant JChem Version: (build: 201110041526-149372)
JChem Version:
JChem Table Version: 5060000
Marvin Version: (build date: 2011-09-30)
Java: 1.6.0_26; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 20.1-b02
System: Windows Server 2008 version 6.0 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (instantjchem)
NetBeans build: 110214-aec102d89c78
Java Web Start: No