User 0e345a0616
11-10-2011 04:22:26
How to design API for instant Jchem
User 0e345a0616
11-10-2011 04:22:26
How to design API for instant Jchem
ChemAxon e189db4705
11-10-2011 08:00:49
It looks this is the same question like in this forum topic. It would be better to discuss only in one forum topic if it's the same problem.
User 1b64124363
12-10-2011 09:47:15
How can we give access to multiple users from remote computers for accessing the database
ChemAxon fa971619eb
12-10-2011 11:51:20
To do this you need to set up security on your database. This is described here:
/>(and see the other links at the bottom of that page).
Once done multiple users can access the database with IJC at the same time.
You need to use a MySQL or Oracle database and need an IJC Enterprise license for this.
User 1b64124363
13-10-2011 05:13:39
How can we access our instant jchem database from web browser. i am using Apache web server and mysql database.
User 0e345a0616
14-10-2011 05:07:00
How can we give permission to other users to remotely acceess d mysql database....only root is accessible now
ChemAxon fa971619eb
14-10-2011 07:55:01
Please can you be clearer what you are wanting to do when you ask questions - it makes it much easier to respond when we have a good understanding of what you are trying to do.
I think you are probably referring to adding extra users to the MySQL database e.g. access the database as a different MySQL user (e.g. ijc) rather than root?
If so then this is an administrative operation you must do in the MySQL database before connecting with IJC. This is really outside the scope of IJC and would normally be done by your database administrator, but as a quick guide you need to use the MySQL supplied tools (e.g. MySQL Workbench, or the mysql command line console) to add the extra user. Also you will need to grant the necessary access permissions (which machines the user is allowed to connect from) and give that user access to the particular MySQL database that IJC is needing to use. See here for some details:
User 1b64124363
20-10-2011 07:01:06
I Want to Setup API...I want some simple steps.
User 1b64124363
20-10-2011 07:02:41
In multi user enviornment ..i want that no client user can delete my schema to secure our schema from remote computer
User 1b64124363
21-10-2011 10:53:15
How can we incorporate security so that no client computer can delete our schema database through root user from server machine
ChemAxon fa971619eb
21-10-2011 11:45:13
About security: are you asking about the access rights of MySQL users? If so then this is really a question about MySQL not IJC. You need to set up the rights of the MySQL according to your needs.e.g. you should have a MySQL user for IJC and not use the root user, and give that IJC user only the permissions you want. More information on permissions can be found here:
If you are talking about IJC user then only users with ROLE_EDIT_SCHEMA are allowed to make changes to the database model in IJC, so don't give this role to the users you want to ahve limited access. See here for details:
About API: we need to know what you are wnating to do. Mabye scripting is the better approach as it provides access to the API and can be done entirely within IJC. But you can also write extensions to IJC in Jave, and examples can be found in the 'API Exampels' section here:
User 1b64124363
27-10-2011 12:12:18
In multi user, suppose we have 3 ijc users and 1 admin sharing the same one schema, and now my problem is that i want to give specific columns views to specific user.
ChemAxon e189db4705
27-10-2011 14:25:46
We plan to have security options for any object in IJC (e.g. columns, tables, etc.) based on roles, but this is not yet supported.
Now you can do this only for all users - hiding column can be done when this column is not promoted to field, so it's not visible in IJC at all; also you can prevent editing specific field using permissions (