User e4efcc5789
21-03-2011 22:30:25
I'd like to set up a calculated field to display rate constants (k) calculated from the Arrhenius equation:
A and Ea are variables, R and T are constants.
I haven't been able to make this work (validate). Is it possible to do this calculation in Instant JChem 5.4.1?
ChemAxon fa971619eb
22-03-2011 16:54:19
Could you clarify how you are trying to do this.
Do you have fields that contain the the values of A and Ea, and want to calculate the result according to that formula?
If so then I think this might be what you need:
A * Math.exp(-Ea / (8.3144 * 237))
A and Ea are the field values that you pass in, 8.3144 and 237 are the values for R and T (which of course you could combine into a single constant for better efficiency) .
Please check the results to ensure this is correct!
User e4efcc5789
22-03-2011 17:43:51
Yes, I have fields that contain the values for A and Ea. I tried the formula you suggested and it worked! I was missing the "Math." before "exp". Thanks!
User e05b1833aa
21-02-2012 14:22:59
Hi Tim,
I've meant to ask something similar for while and would like to take the opportunity. Ligand Efficiency LE is defined as
LE = deltaG/Heavy Atom Count
with deltaG = -RTln(Kd), or -0.59ln(Kd)
with Kd being the dissociation constant in molar
What would be the correct syntax, assuming that values for Kd and Heavy Atom Count (= matchCount("[!H]") would be available?
ChemAxon fa971619eb
22-02-2012 11:49:55
Hi Evert,
FIrstly I wouldn't use the matchCount() chemcial terms expression as this requires running of a substructure search. The heavy atom count can be better determined with this chemical terms expression:
atomCount - atomCount('1')
Then to calculate the ligand efficiency I think you need something like this as your calculated field expression:
-0.59 * Math.log(kd) / heavyAtoms
assuming you have defined appropriate fields caleld kd and heavyAtoms.
User e05b1833aa
24-02-2012 14:45:53
Thanks Tim,
This is exactly what I wanted.