upper limit for importing of molecules

User 1c25459954

08-11-2010 10:30:19


I was wondering about what is the maximum number of molecules that can be imported in Instant JChem? I have a database of few hundred million compounds and was hoping to use Instant JChem for managing it. Also, is there a way of querying a database using command line where in I enter a list consisting of IDs of a few thousands of molecules and retrieve information of only those compounds in a seperate file.




ChemAxon fa971619eb

08-11-2010 11:30:13

Hi Saumya,

I was wondering about what is the maximum number 
of molecules that can be imported in Instant JChem? I have a database of
few hundred million compounds and was hoping to use Instant JChem for
managing it

IJC usually works OK for up to a few million structures, but hundreds of millions would not be possible. Although the underlying JChem search engine is able to support this number of molecules, it would be very memory intensive to do so, and would take a large about of time to build the search cache on startup, so is not really suited to a desktop application. Instead a server based application that was always running would be better suited.

 Also, is there a way of querying a database 
using command line where in I enter a list consisting of IDs of a few
thousands of molecules and retrieve information of only those compounds
in a seperate file

No, there is no such commandline option, though it would be fairly easy to create a simple standalone app or script that does this running the query as SQL.
