IJC 5.3.1 upgrade interrupted

User c92fc0bce4

10-06-2010 15:35:22

I was updating the tables in a large database to IJC 5.3.1 running overnight under windows 7.  During the process, Microsoft in all its wisdom did an auto update and REBOOT.  When I run IJC now it thinks I am still logged in. I do not want to corrupt my data as it would takes MONTHS to rebuild.  What is the correct procedure for going forward?  BTW, I now have the auto reboot feature disabled.  Lesson learned.  Thanks.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

10-06-2010 15:52:35

The "You are already logged in" message is just a warning to prevent you trying to connect to the databse twice as the same user. When IJC exits abnormally diues the the quirks of Mr Gates' operating system then you are not logged out correctly, and next time IJC things you are still logged in.

If you check the checkbox and continue then you will be connected as normal. There should be no "damage" to your data.

If you want to be totally safe you can take a backup of your project (assuming you are using a local database). Find the project on disc (probably in My Documents\IJCProjects) and create a backup (e.g. create a zip file or just copy the project directory). That way you will have a backup just in case (not a bad idea anyway, if you have lots of work there).


User c92fc0bce4

12-06-2010 16:44:40

tdudgeon wrote:

The "You are already logged in" message is just a warning to prevent you trying to connect to the databse twice as the same user. When IJC exits abnormally diues the the quirks of Mr Gates' operating system then you are not logged out correctly, and next time IJC things you are still logged in.

If you check the checkbox and continue then you will be connected as normal. There should be no "damage" to your data.

If you want to be totally safe you can take a backup of your project (assuming you are using a local database). Find the project on disc (probably in My Documents\IJCProjects) and create a backup (e.g. create a zip file or just copy the project directory). That way you will have a backup just in case (not a bad idea anyway, if you have lots of work there).


I restarted the update process as suggested.  The update appears to go well.  It started at the beginning but quickly came to the point of the interruption.  The process then seemd to proceed at a "normal" pace.  After the process was completed I did get a text message indicating the success update of the entire database.  Total time for the conversion on a single processor was about 100 hours.  There is something odd at the end.  I built the database using the reference database included in IJC by importing files of SMILES and data.  The project contained a collection of structures under multiple headings aligned with the file names.  This was fine as I grouped the structures intentionally to help with structure searching and identifing desirable subsets in a federated search.  After this update ALL of the structures are listed under a single title.  I see no way to separate the structures as before.  Previous updates kept the individual listings.  Is this a feature of the update or did I do something to cause this, like the interruption?  I would really like to get back to the original organization of the database into the subgroups.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

14-06-2010 06:27:42

I'm not clear how you were organising these subgroups that you describe. Could you please provide a description or a screenshot?


User c92fc0bce4

14-06-2010 14:11:35

tdudgeon wrote:

I'm not clear how you were organising these subgroups that you describe. Could you please provide a description or a screenshot?


I tried to open an older version of the dbase but it seems I must
UPGRADE which is not what I want to do.  The dbase strucure looks like

+ localdb
  + Subgroup_1
        Grid View Subgroup_1
+ Subgroup_2

        Grid View Subgroup_2
  + Subgroup_n

        Grid View Subgroup_n

It now looks like

+ localdb

  + Subgroup_x

        Grid View Subgroup_x

Does this help?

ChemAxon fa971619eb

14-06-2010 14:33:08

So, just to be clear, in the projects window the contents of a database (IJC schema) are the 'data trees' and for each data tree you see the views that are defined for that data tree. This is illustrated here:

Are you saying that before the upgrade you had lots of data trees, but after you see only one?


User c92fc0bce4

14-06-2010 14:54:46

tdudgeon wrote:

So, just to be clear, in the projects window the contents of a database (IJC schema) are the 'data trees' and for each data tree you see the views that are defined for that data tree. This is illustrated here:

Are you saying that before the upgrade you had lots of data trees, but after you see only one?


Yes, that is correct.  The single datatree I have has the same name as one of the original, multiple datatrees, and contains ALL of the structures.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

14-06-2010 19:15:01

Hi, this doesn't really make much sense to me. Regenerating the tables during an upgrade will not have affected the data trees that are defined. Are you sure you have the same project and same database open?

To investigate further, could you open the schema editor (double click the database node in the projects window) and take a look at the different tabs. This might explain what has happened. Maybe the contents of the Data trees, Entities and Tables tabs make sense to you (could you take screen shots and send to us)?


User c92fc0bce4

15-06-2010 18:39:58

tdudgeon wrote:

Hi, this doesn't really make much sense to me. Regenerating the tables during an upgrade will not have affected the data trees that are defined. Are you sure you have the same project and same database open?

To investigate further, could you open the schema editor (double click the database node in the projects window) and take a look at the different tabs. This might explain what has happened. Maybe the contents of the Data trees, Entities and Tables tabs make sense to you (could you take screen shots and send to us)?


Can I send a screenshot to you directly?


ChemAxon fa971619eb

15-06-2010 18:43:17

Yes please do. Send to:

tdudgeon at chemaxon dot com
