Latest JChem version: 5.3.3 ?

ChemAxon 1097721ac9

04-06-2010 10:11:59

Edgar Lautenbacher says:

Latest JChem version: 5.3.3 ?

only version 5.3.1 is available for download.

kocsmy says:

Dear Edgar,

You can download the latest (5.3.3) JChem version here:

Can I ask where did you find the download link to version 5.3.1?


Edgar Lautenbacher says:’

on this page I select/click ‘Download Instant JChem’ were I get the
following website:

menu main page (Download > Instant JChem) I get the link:

on this page version 5.3.1 is offerd for download

ChemAxon 1097721ac9

04-06-2010 10:17:29

Dear Edgar,


Instant JChem latest version is 5.3.1.

(you're correct, JChem latest version is 5.3.3, and IJC uses JChem, but we always need some time to implement the new version to IJC).


ChemAxon fa971619eb

04-06-2010 11:14:58

Yes, this is correct. The current version of IJC is 5.3.1, but a new version should be available very soon.
