print defined number of rows

User d6d3b4c85b

18-01-2010 10:13:18

In the help article No 38 "Printing", a screenshot is shown of "Print Rows Selection and Header/Footer definition" window with three tabs: Row selection, Header/Footer and N-Up Printing. In the Windows version, the Mac version and in the web-based application the third tab is missing. N-up printing would allow to select the number of columns that are displayed per printed page, a function that I would urgently need.

How can I define the amount of data displayed per print page?


Thanks for your help!

ChemAxon fa971619eb

18-01-2010 11:04:08

N-up printing was added in IJC 3.0. As long as you are using this or a later version it should be present.

Do note that n-up printing is only available when printing a form view. For grid views it does not really make sense and so the 3rd tab is not present.


User d6d3b4c85b

18-01-2010 15:42:33

Thank you for the very quick reply! I didn't realize that N-up was for the form view only.

I dislike the form view because there are a few bugs in the printout: there are grey frames I cannot remove, and even though I set fraction digit in the molecular weight field to 2 it prints 4 digits behind comma. Maybe you can help me with that too?

ChemAxon fa971619eb

20-01-2010 09:44:41

Could you tell us which operating system you are uisng, and maybe provide an example of the gray boxes you mention (a PDF file should do).

We will investigate the issue with the formatting of the numerical data.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

21-01-2010 12:41:02

The problem with the number of decimal places should be fixed in the next IJC version.

Please can you tell us the OS you are using so that we can inbvestigate the problem you describe with the grey frames.



User d6d3b4c85b

21-01-2010 17:05:58

Thank you, Tim. I'm using Mac OS X Version 10.6.2. Around each field of the form view there is a grey frame in the print version, except for where the field name is displayed in the form view - see attachment.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

25-01-2010 17:35:21

Thanks for that information.

The grey boxes are the borders around the field and should be present. But what is missing is the field labels (the names). We are investigating why these are not present and will try to resolve it.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

10-03-2010 07:48:01

This printing problem should be resolved in the 5.3.1 release. The field names should now be displayed correctly.
