Plugin activation fails due to crash during update

User 677b9c22ff

07-06-2009 21:11:33


I had a machine reboot during the upgrade and now the latest update can not be installed, can not be activated and cannot be un-activated. This is version 5.2 I guess I have to do a total reinstall.

Version: 2.5.1 Source: Instant JChem 2.5
Plugin Description
Updates Instant JChem to the latest version. This involves updating the Instant JChem modules and the Netbeans platform modules upon which Instant JChem is built.

Warning - could not install some modules: Instant JChem Version Provider - The module Instant JChem Branding was requested in version >= 2.5.1 but only 2.5 was found. Instant JChem Pack - The module Instant JChem Branding was requested in version >= 2.5.1 but only 2.5 was found. Instant JChem Pack - The module Library - JChem was requested in version >= 5.2.2 but only was found. Instant JChem Pack - The module WorkBench Project was requested in version >= 2.5.1 but only 2.5 was found. Another module could not be installed due to the above problems.

Activation failed: Not all requested modules can be enabled: [ jarFile: C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\InstantJChem\instantjchem\modules\com-im-ijc-update-pack.jar]

Instant JChem Version: Unknown version - please install version provider module (build: Unknown)
JChem Version: 5.2.1_2
JChem Table Version: 5020100
Marvin Version: 5.2.1_2 (build date: 2009-05-12)
Java: 1.6.0_13; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 11.3-b02
System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (instantjchem)
NetBeans build: 200903060201





ChemAxon fa971619eb

08-06-2009 08:18:34

This indicates that the install did not work correctly.

Can you try uninstalling, then deleting or renaming your userdir (probably something like this: C:\XXXXX\Application Data\.instantjchem\ijc_2_5). Then re-install and update from the update center. Once you do this the version should be correctly reported as 2.5.1

The userdir stores various configuration information, as well as the updates. Deleting the userdir ensures you get a clean install. You may loose some configuration information, but no data is lost. If you have chemical terms favourites then you can manually transfer them. See this topic for info on how to do this:

Once you have a clean install then these problems should disappear.

