User 98752d2ee0
19-05-2009 05:19:40
I want to know how we can build a stucture database step by step with Instant JChem. For Example, the Pubchem Demo. Thank you for your help.
User 98752d2ee0
19-05-2009 05:19:40
I want to know how we can build a stucture database step by step with Instant JChem. For Example, the Pubchem Demo. Thank you for your help.
ChemAxon fa971619eb
19-05-2009 09:05:36
The basic process might be something like this:
1. Create a project for your data (or use an existing one)
Create or connect to your database if you are using a networked (MySQL
or Oracle) database, or use a local database (probably already present
in your project)
3. Connect to the database
4. import a SD file
5. View it intiially using the grid view that is created for you.
6. Create a form view to use as a custom report.
There are various guides you might find useful.
The quickstart guide in the user guide:
Feature animations:
File import:
/>Creating forms:
See here for a full list of animations (some are a bit out of date, but still useful):
User 98752d2ee0
20-05-2009 00:00:46
Thank you for you help!