User e05b1833aa
17-03-2009 13:19:50
I finally managed to get IJC 2.4.3 running through a local install under Vista, directly under c:\. To my delight, all my taylored Chemical Terms were still accessible. But much to my surprise now suddenly a license appears to be required in order to be able to use Chemical Terms that contain matches or matchCounts expressed as SMARTS? Regular substructure searches appear to work without a problem, so why this difference suddenly?
I finally managed to get IJC 2.4.3 running through a local install under Vista, directly under c:\. To my delight, all my taylored Chemical Terms were still accessible. But much to my surprise now suddenly a license appears to be required in order to be able to use Chemical Terms that contain matches or matchCounts expressed as SMARTS? Regular substructure searches appear to work without a problem, so why this difference suddenly?