Location of shared projects in JWS

User 596f3ef229

25-11-2008 07:17:13

I have setup apache and tomcat to serve JWS and the UrlWebApp. I am now slightly confused about where to place shared project files. I thought they should go in my JWS apache directory (/var/www/html/ijc) but the UrlWebApp servlet page (accessed via http://localhost:8080/UrlWebApp on the server) says:

"Deploy project configurations to $CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/data"

So where do my .zip and .ijp go? The apache directory or the tomcat directory? I have a already placed a copy of master.jnlp into $CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/jws and edited as per the instructions.

Sorry if this is a dumb question.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

25-11-2008 08:06:11

The project files should go in the location described on your UrlWebApp servlet main page


It should tell you to deploy then to something like:


When they are there reload the UrlWebApp servlet main page and it should then know about your project.


ChemAxon 3b366b17e5

25-11-2008 08:06:31

The documentation is not clear. We need to fix it.

If you want to use IJC urls (demo application is at [url= http://www.chemaxon.com/urldemo/] [url]http://www.chemaxon.com/urldemo/ ) in webstart you need to:

1. create shared projects (.ijp and .zip file) by using shared projects wizard: http://www.chemaxon.com/instantjchem/ijc_latest/docs/admin/project_deploy.htm

2. copy the .zip and .ijc files to$CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/data. The correct location is also shown in /UrlWebApp index page.

3. refresh the index page of UrlWebApp


The index page contains links to shared projects:

Deployed configurations

* shared1.ijp

* demo.ijp

The shared projects are opened in JWS IJC instance after click to the links.

4. You can generate ijc urls by using Tools -> Generate URL from main menu and test it in web browser.


User 596f3ef229

26-11-2008 07:09:02

so if the shared project needs to be in $CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/data, does the openURL argument in the master.jnlp file of $APACHE_HOME/ijc need to reference that tomcat project location? ie this section normally resides in master.jnlp to specify the shared project location.

     <application-desc main-class="com.im.ijc.jnlpinstaller.Main">


         <argument>http://your server/location/config.ijp</argument>


I currently have my project in $APACHE_HOME/ijc/projects/ and $APACHE_HOME/ijc/master.jnlp refers to that location. The master.jnlp in $CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/jws contains

   <application-desc main-class="com.im.ijc.jnlpinstaller.Main">




My generateURL, openURL within InstantJChem seem to work - even though I have no project files in $CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/data. The generateURL dialog says the url will not work outside IJC though.

In summary, if you want to use URLs outside IJC (ie email or www), do you put the shared project files only in one location ie within the tomcat tree? If so, does the master.jnlp in the apache tree need to specify the full path to the tomcat project location (it is not in the same tree as specified by codebase)?

I find the documentation quite confusing for the specifics of this process (if you can't tell from my questions).



ChemAxon 3b366b17e5

26-11-2008 10:03:01

To use IJC URL you need to move all project configurations from $APACHE_HOME/ijc to $CATALINA_HOME/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/data The master.jnlp in ${CATALINA_HOME}/.instantjchem/jnlpwebApp/jws is correct with $$url parameter. $$url parameter is replaced dynamically by web application. Therefore the master.jnlp cannot contain full path to shared project. Then uninstall opened configurations from $APACHE_HOME/ijc location from Instant Jchem in Tools-> Options Dialog, category Miscellaneous->Shared Projects. You can open shared projects from tomcat and use IJC URL in webrowser now.


User 596f3ef229

28-11-2008 01:28:13

thanks Petr, the URL project sharing feature now works!!

I have discovered that you can autodeploy projects by adding the following to $APACHE_HOME/ijc/master.jnlp:


<argument>http://<tomcat server>:8080/UrlWebApp/project.jnlp?startJnlp</argument>

In effect, just running a webapp URL on startup. This is truly wonderful stuff once you get it working.

I have found one minor issue. The application no longer seems to take any notice of the nowelcomescreen directive ie


I'm not sure if this is a IJC 2.4 issue or because I have changed to tomcat deployment. I have tried placing the directive in each master.jnlp (one at a time) and also both at the same time - no effect.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

28-11-2008 09:10:11

In IJC 2.4 we added a setting for the user to decide whether they want to see the welcome screen which effectively replaced this setting.

Each user can now define a page that gets shown on startup.

You can do this using Tools -> Options and then set the value for the start page, which can be the welcome screen, any view (e.g. a particaulr grid view or form view), the Simple Federated Search page, or nothing at all.

Alternatively you can use the "Make this my startup page" checkbox at the bottom of the welcome screen to specify whether you want this page as your start page.
