Cannot Create a new Oracle DB connection with license file

User b5f79361ac

06-10-2008 18:52:28


I've installed the license file without any problem, and can see all info from license overview (see attachment license_overview.JPG). But I still cannot create a new oracle database connection on my local desktop IJC 2.3.1. (see create_schema.JPG)

I also saw the forum to remove the first line of license file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

But it doesn't work either.

Could you please give me some suggestion?

Thanks a lot!


ChemAxon fa971619eb

06-10-2008 18:59:30

You do not appear to have an Instant JChem license which is what you need to connect to an Oracle or MySQL database from Instant JChem

If you had this license there would be a line in the license manager screenshot labeled InstantJChem.

Please contact sales at chemaxon for such a license (I assume you have purchased such a license, but if not then you can request an evaluation license).


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

07-10-2008 07:03:35


I am looking after the academic package licneses (since I see you are running an academic email address). Can you contact me about licensing (aa_at_chemaxon__._com).

Notice the academic package is a personal license so accessing shared databases is not covered. I expect we can cover this somehow but I need to understand better what you are doing.

