ChemAxon 990acf0dec
26-09-2008 19:06:36
Hi Alex,
We plan to support the import/export of the cdx and cdxml file formats from version 5.1.3 which is scheduled to be released in a month.
User 25d107bd42
22-10-2008 08:28:09
Hi Akos,
that's a good information. I am awaiting it eagerly. May I get a pre-release ?
Nov 3 we have a meeting about the installation of ChemOffice. The convert-programm babel can only read CDX.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
22-10-2008 08:44:51
Hi Hans-Ulrich,
The implementation of the cdx import did not went so smoothly as we planned (not all features are supported yet), so we have a delay, and it will be not included in 5.1.3 (to be released next week). On the other hand, as soon as we are ready with it, we probably release 5.1.4.
User 25d107bd42
22-10-2008 20:02:42
Hi Akos,
thank you for your information.
It is clear for me, importing the binary cdx-format is a hard task. The modern XML-formats are much better.
Regards, Hans-Ulrich