Error creating IJC Schema

User 818520b6b8

13-03-2008 11:17:30


Connected as sys user. Cannot create schema due to the error in the attachment.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

13-03-2008 11:55:05

This is strange. It is caused by Oracle returning a JDBC data type of -101, which is not a valid value.Oracle seems to be defining extra values that are not part of the JDBC definition.

A google search finds this:

suggesting that Oracle might be using this value for a column type of 'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE'

I guess that what has happened is that you have tried to connect IJC to an existing oracle database, and one of the tables contains one of these column types. If you can confirm this then we can probably provide a way of working around the problem e.g. treating -101 as 93, which is the value for TIMESTAMP.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

29-04-2008 16:17:07

This problem has now been resolved in IJC 2.3.