User 963791cca3

07-03-2008 03:45:54


i have installed instant jchem on my APPLE/Mac. and I also downloaded OJDBC14.jar from oracle webpage and set the CLASSPATH.

But when I try to connect to remote computer I get an error (please see attached picture)

thanks for your help,


ChemAxon fa971619eb

07-03-2008 09:31:17

You do not need to provide the Oracle JDBC drivers. They are included in Instant JChem.

The likely cause of this problem is an is error in the connection settings. Can you double check these and confirm they work through another route.

What version of Oracle are you using?


User 518e6889ea

10-03-2008 18:20:20

Hi Tim,

I work with Vida on this project. I got the same error on my windows PC with instant JChem installation too. However, our JChem Manager from JChem package installed on my other PC works with the same JDBC thin driver etc. Our oracle database is 11g on linux. Thanks for your help,


ChemAxon fa971619eb

11-03-2008 09:14:07

This might be a problem of the drivers provided by IJC not working with Oracle 11g.

I am checking whether this is the case and will report back.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

11-03-2008 17:12:06

I tested connecting to an oracle 11g database and the oracle drivers that are included with IJC are able to connect without problem.

I think puts the spotlight back on the connection details. Can you confirm that these are correct. Try using the database explorer included in IJC if necessary (Show the Services window to see this: Window -> Services).

Check the JDBC URL, the username and the password.

When connecting in IJC the schema property (the 4th text box) should be the the be same as the username but in upper case.


User 518e6889ea

11-03-2008 18:31:40

Thanks for the testing and reply, Tim. I just found out that IJC needs to work with JChem and the current version of IJC (2.2) can only work with JChem 3.2. I only can down load JChem 5.0 from the website. But IJC 2.3, which will be released in early April, will be able to work with JChem 5.0. Guess we have to wait for the new version.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

12-03-2008 08:10:28

Older versions of JChem are available from here:

You need 3.2.12.


User 518e6889ea

12-03-2008 13:45:43

Thanks, just downloaded and installed on my PC that has IJC2.2 already. However, the connection to DB through JChem Manager does not work. I used the oracle10g thin JDBC driver (ojdbc14.jar). Should I use a different version thin JDBC driver for the JChem 3.2.12?


ChemAxon fa971619eb

12-03-2008 13:58:53

I think the 10g drivers should work.

What is the error you are seeing?


User 518e6889ea

12-03-2008 14:01:06

Here is the screen shot of the error message.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

12-03-2008 17:48:55

This looks like a problem with the settings or a firewall problem, or something like that.

Can you confirm that you can connect to that database form that machine to confirm the connection settings.

For instance you can use the database explorer in IJC to test this. Use Window->Services to show this. Documentation for this is also include in the IJC Help (see the contents at the bottom title IDE Help), but please note that this is an external tool included in IJC for convenience, not a part of IJC.


User 518e6889ea

12-03-2008 20:05:47

You are right, Tim. Somehow the database and listener was down. After I brought them up, I can connect through jchem manager no problem. However, when I try to connect to oracle db(schema) through IJC, I got a blank screen at 'select schema' step (see attachment). Any tip on this issue? Thanks.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

12-03-2008 22:21:14

Not totally sure, but it looks like you have chosen the "connect to schema" wizard, not the "new schema" wizard.

"New schema" is for connecting from IJC for the first time (it creates all the IJC meta data tables and sets up all the goodies you need).

"Connect to schema" is for connecting a second time (e.g a second user connecting to the same databases) when they are just connecting to the existing IJC goodies.

I think you might need to use New schema?


User 518e6889ea

13-03-2008 16:09:45

Hi Tim,

You are right, once I used 'new schema' option, I was able to login and do some search using the query builder. Cool functions! My current test installation is: oracle database+jchem cartridge on linux server, JChem (3.2)+Instant JChem (2.2) on windows PC. Hope this is a good configuration. Please let me know if you think it's better to have everything installed on one server (windows?).



ChemAxon fa971619eb

13-03-2008 16:17:39

Setup of course depends on what you are wanting to do, but it sounds OK to me.

Once IJC 2.3 is out you can probably use a single database. in fact you could do that now as long as you keep the data separate e.g in 2 sepate oracle schemas.


User 518e6889ea

13-03-2008 16:26:21

Just checked the database, actually the tables were created in one schema, see the list of JChem tables. I specified the new schema name as 'IJC' when connecting to 'new schema', but my login name was 'JCHEM'. I'll try to make the corrections later. Thanks for the quick reply and help.



SQL> select owner, table_name from dba_tables where owner in ('JCHEM', 'IJC');


------------------------------ ------------------------------













------------------------------ ------------------------------




14 rows selected.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

16-03-2008 17:57:42

Yes, schema owner and schema name currently need to be the same.
