Free text on Forms view

User 07d938fa9d

24-10-2007 11:30:12


I'm viewing some complex data on the Forms view and the standard tables don't always label up with a meaningful piece of text (originating db table name usually).

Are there any plans to include the option to add free text onto the forms view, so that I can add standard comments like (Note, this is XXX type screen), etc?



ChemAxon fa971619eb

24-10-2007 17:27:03

Yes, we plan to allow labels and images etc. to be added to a form.

Also, most form widgets can have their display name changed using the settings editor. Unfortunately the table seems to be the exception. We should change this and allow this to be changed.

Note: you can rename the Entity (e.g. using the schema editor) to give it a nicer name. This will then be reflected in the form.
