Structure editor in v2.1 is not-responding on double click.

User 677b9c22ff

15-10-2007 01:23:43


the structure editor is not responding on double click after a substructure search.

I have multiple DB projects open on different local drives (WIN32),

filemon says that JAVA exe reads through several files and directories

prior loading Marvin (like .config, localdb.ijs etc). Almost 200

read/writes are performed. The only way to open MSKETCH at all

is to change the search field from substructure to superstructure;

otherwise one can double click hundred times and nothing happens,

after a search is performed and a structure is already loaded and visible.

This almost in-reactive behavior is not the case with the old

development versions 2.0.0. There Marvin pops up instantly.

Also my drives are fast (no network drives, average 200-500 MByte/sec

read/write), so it has nothing to do with the drives.

This is for

Instant JChem Version: 2.1 (build: 071002) JChem Version: 3.2.11 Marvin

Version: 4.1.13 (build date: 2007-9-20) Java: 1.5.0_11; Java HotSpot(TM)

Client VM 1.5.0_11-b03 System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86;

Cp1252; en_US (instantjchem)


ChemAxon fa971619eb

15-10-2007 07:32:07

The is a current bug that results in double click in the query panel not being recognised. This bug is fixed and the update will be out soon.

As a work around click in the left hand side of the structure widget outside the structure panel to select the widget then double click on the structure panel.


ChemAxon fa971619eb

24-10-2007 09:53:26

This is now fixed in the 2.1.1 update that is now available from the Update Center.

Use Tools->Plugins to load the updates.
