Double click behaviour on structure search + ignore setting

User 677b9c22ff

05-10-2007 21:28:03


I updated to Instant-JChem v2.1 and there is this little annoyance with the "double click to sketch structure".

A) nothing happens with a double click.

B) setting is automatically on ignore.

Regarding A) its annoying that nothing happens with a double click.

So one has to change to substructure that something happens.

Its confusing and requires one or two more mouse-clicks.

Regarding B) its confusing too, even if it follows a strict design pattern,

I guess most people use substructure search, so it could be preselected already like in the very first version (or now hidden in the advances settings)


Lots of the intuitivity is lost with the current setting of the query window.

Before it was clear.

1) Structure search

2) Chemical terms search

3) Property search

I would rather use these as basic setting and call all the others advanced.


However even worse, if I built myself an advanced setting in the query window and use it for search, everything is fine. If I use show all, which I use quite often to see all my molecules these advanced settings are lost and I have to put them together again. This requires an additional mouse click to regain it from the "resent searches" instead of keeping the current setting and only deleting it if the database was changed.

I am happy to avoid every single mouse click and please check out this neat picture from the carpal tunnel operation and you will understand me. And of course the GyroTwister is a good thing and those 25 bucks are very well invested :-)


ChemAxon fa971619eb

08-10-2007 06:03:24

A) nothing happens with a double click.
This is a bug that happens occasionally. We have identified the problem and will fix it with an update soon.
B) setting is automatically on ignore.
We are improving this behavior. The setting has to be ignore by default as all the query widget would otherwise be invalid and you would need to set them back to be able to run a query.

What we are doing it automatically changing an ignore operator to the default (first) operator as soon as the user makes a change to one of the operands (e.g start to type something or edits a structure).
If I use show all, which I use quite often to see all my molecules these advanced settings are lost
We ensure that the query stays in sync with the data. Clicking Show All removes the query from the data, so it should also remove it from the query definition. That is exactly why we have the ability to restore old queries.