User 677b9c22ff
13-08-2007 19:44:30
I just installed a file instantjchem-2_0_0M5-windows.exe
which refers to
Base Version: Instant JChem Version 2
Current Update: 2.0 Beta 7
JChem Version: 3.2.7
Marvin Version: 4.1.9 (build date: 2007-7-2)
Java: 1.5.0_11; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0_11-b03
System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (instantjchem)
I have several other versions installed. The problem is that the
new version does not find the .config settings for the heap memory (from tools/options/startup)
The help file does not state anything.
How can I enable that
ChemAxon e189db4705
13-08-2007 20:24:04
Not sure why you just installed M5 build, because there is IJC 2.0 final version available since last week (see
We know that sometimes Tools->Options->Startup options has problem to localize your config file to change memory settings. But this problem usually happens only when IJC is not installed using standard installer. Maybe the problem is in conflict with your older versions (you mentioned you still have older versions installed).
You can change the memory settings also manually: go to IJC installation directory, under instantjchem\etc\instantjchem.conf and edit this file - change the numbers in these arguments: -J-Xms48m -J-Xmx128m.
User 677b9c22ff
13-08-2007 20:37:38
thanks alot.
The problem is that the Milestone versions were indeed v2. beta 5 and beta7 and now the new .EXE files have no version numbers anymore (like the naming convention in JCHEM).
So I have a local copy of the file and I always assumed I am running the latest versions, also I assumed the update center will always inform me if there is a new beta or new modules.
So the naming was a little bit confusing and now I just downloaded another version, which I assume will be the
Beta8. I also have a bunch of old libraries from different old
versions on different systems (some firewalled so you might not see them in your log).
User 677b9c22ff
13-08-2007 20:55:26
downloaded the 2.0 (final?)
built date August 8, 2007 and the bug disappeared and
I still have my old versions installed.
Base Version: Instant JChem Version 2 Current Update: 2.0 JChem Version: 3.2.9.ijc Marvin Version: 4.1.11 (build date: 2007-8-6) Java: 1.5.0_11; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0_11-b03
ChemAxon e189db4705
14-08-2007 00:29:30
I agree the versions were a little confusing during last phases of 2.0 release development. Original intention was to make regular (better tested) builds and call them Milestones. So we had six main milestones before final release (not all were published).
One problem was that at some stage the milestone build was called also "beta". So we started to count the builds Milestones (development point of view) and Beta builds (marketing naming). And so for example Milestone 6 was called "beta 7".
And the second problem was that we didn't release just milestones, but also patch releases of this milestones and so we got M3, M3b,... M3g public builds.
This double counting and making milestones subversions (M3b,c...) could be confusing and we will avoid it next time.
Anyway, the IJC 2.0 is really final release now. See release notes for the version history: