User b09fd63825
01-05-2007 21:04:06
I loaded a data set into IJC 2.0.0 running on Windows XP with 2 tables. One had structures, the other had assay results with no structures. I linked them by compound ID. I have 2 questions: (1) how can I query the assay fields (child relationship) and get back the structure fields as well (parent); and (2) how can I export these results from the form view? If these features are not implemented, I would like to request that they be an option.
ChemAxon fa971619eb
02-05-2007 06:40:03
1. Relational query
We are currently working on improving the query, and this will include the ability to query with relational data.
1. Relational export.
We also plan to be able to export relational data, but this is not likely to appear until version 2.1.
One complication we will need to deal with here is that there are a large number of ways and formats that relational data could be exported, and we need to consider which would be the most useful. If you have any particular formats that you would like to be supported then please suggest them here.
User 7ec961b644
20-06-2008 16:22:49
This is a simple questions, yet I can't figure out how to link fields in different DBs to create relational DBs.
Could you tell me how to do this? I'm suing version 2.3.1
Best, -Guillermo.
ChemAxon fa971619eb
20-06-2008 16:26:13