Unsupported database

User d3f343ddb3

12-01-2007 16:45:15


I am new to ChemAxon products and we just got our demo license today.

Using the latest version of Instant JChem, I set up a connection to db server in our office running Oracle 9.2

The connection appeared to be successful and the list of available schemas appeared. Upon selecting one, a window appeared with this message: Unsupported database type

The rest of the message is attached.

It appears to be a IJchem message. It is then not possible to proceed any further.

Any ideas?

IJchem is on Win XP

Oracle is on win2kserver.


Dan Fall


dfall _at_

ChemAxon fa971619eb

12-01-2007 17:22:09

That should be a supported configuration.

Can you confirm what you have specified for the JDBC driver and URL.

For Instant JChem to recognise the database as oracle the driver needs to be oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver or oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver and the URL needs to start with jdbc:oracle:

You should be able to find this information by right clicking on the node that represent the database connection in the project explorer and selecting Configure...

If its not confirming to this then try to define the connection again.

If it does match these then please send me you complete log file which will help us diagnose the problem.

The log fine (on Windows) can be found at a location like this:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\.instantjchem\ijc_1_0\var\log\messages.log

where username is replaced with your real username.



User d3f343ddb3

15-01-2007 11:16:19

Hi Tim

Thanks for the reply.

The connection details i have been using are:

Driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

Database URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@

This seems to match what you advised.

I have attached the log file.

Hopefully I have just made a basic error.



ChemAxon fa971619eb

15-01-2007 18:28:39

This problem appears to have been solved offline.

Just for completeness, if this problem occurs, try deleting the connection (or the whole project) and make the connection again, making sure all the connection details are specififed correctly and the right database type is specified.

If you still have problems then post the details to this forum and we wil try to resolve.
