IJC Web Start Licensing

User 167e6aff9e

13-01-2017 18:33:41

Installed IJC with Java Web Start. Successfully deployed application with a 3 user evaluation license. It seems that the license is not restricting use of IJC, as I have been able to start 4 concurrent IJC sessions launched by Java Web Start. 

ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd

17-01-2017 14:22:29

Dear Matthew,

this is a correct consistent behaviour. In case of Java Web Start, if you have limited users to 3, it is taken 3 computers at a time. Number of running instances of IJC is not limited with Java Web Start, due to the nature how JWS works.

Wishing all the best


User 167e6aff9e

17-01-2017 15:24:54


Does that violate the license? If you don't limit the number of running IJC instances then how can you impose the 3 user license?



ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd

24-01-2017 10:12:24

Dear Matthew,

the 3 users license is limited by amount of at once connected users. If you try to connect with the same user from another IJC instance simultaneously, the user will be kicked out from the previous instance.

Wishing all the best


User 167e6aff9e

24-01-2017 15:53:04

Thanks for your help. My situation is that I am using Java Web Start to serve a single project in IJC to multiple users. As I understand, I will only need a 1 user license for IJC to make this work. Then I can create users within the project. This is my current understanding. If I misunderstand please let me know, but this is what works in actuality so I will be proceeding with that notion.

ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd

24-01-2017 16:06:30

Dear Matthew,

if you have only 1 user license, you will be only able to connect with 1 user. 

If you aim for a multi-user environment, in conjunction with Java Web Start, then I would recommend getting IJC Enterprise license as this will enable you to use remote RDBMS (Oracle, MySQL..), as whereas IJC Standard will enable usage of Derby database only.

Derby DB is a single user environment, so there, only 1 user can be connected at any given time. Other users will not be able to connect as long as the other user is connected. This is inherent behaviour of Derby DB, which does not occur with Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL etc, that are supported by IJC Enterprise.

Also, for the license deployment, in conjunction with Java Web Start, the best way is to deploy the license to some shared location (for example Apache HTTP server) and then use license URL start up option in the master.jnlp file https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/docs/Startup+Options

Of course, you could rely on 3 users IJC standard license, Java Web Start and Derby DB on some shared drive. This will work just fine, but you will be limited to 1 user connected at a time anyways, but you could have 3 different Derby databases set up at once and work with those as a part of the IJC project (all with a different user).

There are multiple options of deployment suiting multiple use-cases. 

I hope this helps

Wishing all the best


User 167e6aff9e

24-01-2017 16:08:41

My apologies, I failed to specify that I am going to use IJC Enterprise. Thank you so much for your latest explanation. This makes much more sense.



ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd

24-01-2017 16:22:21

You are welcome.

In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Wishing all the best
