User 8a7878ec6d
16-01-2016 10:46:51
Have asked for this a while back but do it again, in the hope that it will be implemented:
being able to sort lists and queries alphabetically or on generated date would be very useful.
Thank you,
User 8a7878ec6d
16-01-2016 10:46:51
Have asked for this a while back but do it again, in the hope that it will be implemented:
being able to sort lists and queries alphabetically or on generated date would be very useful.
Thank you,
ChemAxon 91ac526de6
18-01-2016 10:00:42
Dear Evert,
we have already this task in our backlog. When we have more time, we will look at it, but as of now there are unfortunately more urgent tasks awaiting.
Ondrej Svoboda
User 8a7878ec6d
18-01-2016 20:47:25
Can you elaborate on what the users can expects in terms of feature enhancements in the near future, as a result of your prioritized tasks?
ChemAxon 206bfdcce5
25-01-2016 16:04:21
Dear Evert,
thank you for your interest in the Instant JChem advances and development. We are trying all the time to balance the bug fixing and the introduction of new features to provide the best user experience possible.
In the last six months we have introduced several enhancements, e.g. improved the security model if Instant JChem by adding two new default user roles, enhanced the support for asian languages, broadened the Groovy scripting support by adding new events and finally, IJC now support also the PostgreSQL database.
In the near future, we would like to provide the support also for the ChemAxon’s PostgreSQL Cartridge. Also, we would like to introduce a new type of items to be stored in Instant JChem databases, the biomolecules. Both these features are very complex and have a very high priority. From the other tasks that will be noticeable by the user, I would like to point out two redesigns - first is the Spotfire-Instant JChem integration and the second one is the way how to add new rows into your database. The last but definitely not the least feature to mention is the introduction of pivot tables.
I hope you can understand I am unable to list here all the plans for the (near) future of Instant JChem as it is really extensive and also changing depending on current situation.
Best regards,
User 8a7878ec6d
25-01-2016 18:31:20
Dear Karla,
Many thanks for this update, look forward to these features being implemented!
Best, Evert