Highlight rows displayed from query

User 65de128aea

05-08-2015 20:03:19

I am using the Instant JChem software using a Mac OS X Desktop computer. I ran a query search based on a simple molecular structure, and all the compounds in my database containing this molecule were displayed. I want to highlight the results of this query, so I could visualize specific rows that only contained the structures of interest shown after the query was run. I want to highlight only the structures that I am interested in, so they can be easy to find next time I open the program. How do I do this? 

If this cannot be done, how can I manually highlight certain rows in a color to aid in visualization? 

ChemAxon 320de6f832

10-08-2015 08:29:57

Dear mahsheed,

In IJC, there is no supported feature to visualize specific rows that only contained the structures of interest shown after the query was run.

You can use Temporary and Permanent lists for easy to find the results of your searching next time, when you open the IJC.

Here https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/instantjchem/List+and+Query+Management  you can find the way, how to create and managing temporary and permanent list from your searching.


I hope, that this will help you.

Best Regards


ChemAxon 320de6f832

10-08-2015 12:05:49

Hi mahsheed,

In addition, you are able to create so called Cherry-Picking Lists. These lists are results of your own selection of rows from  tables. You can find brief tutorial for managing Cherry-Picking Lists here 


Best Regards

