Instantjchem win x64 reboots computer

User 3ef53cbf8d

18-03-2015 15:00:33


While installing instantjchem- computer reboots without any question during .net api installation

Event log says:

Comment: The Windows Installer initiated a system restart to complete or continue the configuration of 'JChem .NET API ActiveX'.

OS Windows 8.1 x64 Pro Eng

Please let me know having any additional question.

ChemAxon 4f0b8a99b5

20-03-2015 09:24:05


thanks for reporting this, I will forward your request to our developers to try to resolve this somehow..

Best regards,


ChemAxon 4f0b8a99b5

23-03-2015 09:05:36


your issue was forwarded to our build team, which is responsible for jchem .net  installation package and should be resolved in near future.

Best regards,


ChemAxon b62f37c21a

23-03-2015 12:19:45


in some cases it is necessary to reboot the computer to finish the installation process, e.g. updating files that are in use while installing. Our installers are configured to "prompt for reboot when required", however, in IJC this installer runs silently, the reboot will be executed immediately as a result.

Did you experience this behavior only once or happens after every installation?

Does the installed product work correctly after the reboot or you get additional dialogs regarding the installation?

Best regards and thank you,
Gabor Vasko