User 6fe3d4c2db
06-03-2015 12:47:33
Hi ,
I have a structure table with relationships to 3 other tables (1-1, 1-many and 1-many relations).
After a substructure search I have to many hits. A few structures are counted multiple times.....
I tried the database on "different" machines. On one computer the search works correct and on an other computer the strange behavior occurs.
Any hints ?
ChemAxon c589ba3265
06-03-2015 15:01:22
If I understand well: you have the same version of IJC on both computers from that you connect to the same database, righ?
Could I have a few question ?
Which version of ijc did you used ?
What type of database did you used ?
Could you be so kind and send us the logfile wit sql and times loging which can be switch on in tools>options>miscellaneous>other_settings>SQL logging
all the best