User 8a7878ec6d
15-12-2014 20:10:49
I can't get the admin tool to connect to open databases, neither automatically nor manually. It just doesn't connect even though I am perfectly able to connect to the database 'the normal way'. What am I doing wrong?. This is on Windows 7 64-bits with IJC 6.3.3. I'm trying to connect the admin tool to mySQL-based databases.
ChemAxon 7226d4dc19
17-12-2014 10:54:57
Hi Evert,
I am able to connect to mysql database using Admin Tool. Can you specify more what is your problem? Some error message/screen/logs or something that could describe your situation more?
User 8a7878ec6d
18-12-2014 14:01:22
'Unable to connect with given credentials...'
I use the same credentials to log on to the database as admin, so the connection is available. Still the admin tool does not detect any open connections, nor does it connect when manually trying to create the connection.
ChemAxon 7226d4dc19
18-12-2014 14:20:46
I am afraid I cannot help you with the informations you are providing here. The bad credentials message can mean both, bad url or mistake in username/password provided into Admin Tool.
The mysql database url should be sth like this:
so one of the url example can be:
where ijc is the name of mysql database
User 8a7878ec6d
18-12-2014 14:39:38
Well, I am copying the URL from the schema properties into the corresponding field of the admin tool, so there cannot be any mistake there.
Then I use exactly the same logon credentials for the admin account to get a connection.
Also, why doesn't the admin tool identify (using the Load connections button) any open connections while I am connected to the database as admin?
ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd
19-12-2014 09:23:22
Dear Evert,
what you describe is odd. From what I know from our bug tracking system, there are some fixes ready to be released that could resolve this issue. However, I can not tell for sure and those are planned to be released during January. I will investigate further.
Other than that, maybe we could have a go2meeting together with the developer to see better what the problem could be. I am not sure how it will be during the Christmas holidays with the team's availability, but we could communicate some suitable date (even if needed, then during January)
User 8a7878ec6d
19-12-2014 09:42:56
Dear David,
Probably best to wait until January. I will be back from holidays on the 8th, so let's get back in touch then.
ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd
19-12-2014 09:45:14
Dear Evert,
I will not be available 9-15 January, but I will be in touch on the mobile internet, so we can arrange suitable date as soon as possible :)
Wishing all the best
User 8a7878ec6d
19-12-2014 09:52:17
I will be working 22-23 december also, if that is a possibility?
ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd
19-12-2014 09:56:28
In theory yes, I will be working too, but I am not sure about the others in the team (I suspect that yes) - I will need the developer of Admin Tool with me. Maybe we could discuss the timing on Monday 22?
ChemAxon 7226d4dc19
19-12-2014 10:05:16
I can join you for meeting and try to help on Monday 22.
About your question why doesn't AdminTool recognise opened schema..well it should be recognised only in the case that opened schema has ADMIN_TOOL role assigned (will be recognised but some operations will be disabled) or better ADMN_TOOL_ADVANCED role that allows all Admin Tool operations as described in docs
User 8a7878ec6d
19-12-2014 12:29:47
Yes, I see that now in the documentation. But how can I configure the ADMIN_TOOL or ADMIN_TOOL_ADVANCED roles on a schema? As far as I can see there is only
to choose from...?
ChemAxon 7226d4dc19
05-01-2015 14:02:42
It depends on the security type you have applied on your schema. If you have just a simple text based security, then it is enough to add these two roles to the security template. If you have more sophisticated security on schema, for example LDAP then you have to set up the roles there.