Problem transferring a InstantJChem project folder

User 6b13e33809

25-08-2014 06:04:19


I've experienced the following problem when trying to  copy a project folder from one computer and opening it in the other.  I've tried doing a zip backup of the schema and restoring from the backup but got the same error message. Sorry if this is a simple problem, can anyone please advice? Thanks! I'm using version 6.3.3

Warning: For input string: ""
Table info MYDATABASE was not built.
Please check the log file for more detailed information.
Warning: Failed to create Entity MyDatabase for Schema D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708 [ localdb ]"
An item required by this Entity was missing.
The cause was: Table MYDATABASE for entity MyDatabase not found in database
Details of the entity are:
EntityInfo{id=D79B02B49BCE436E80C00F5C52EC3BF2, name=MyDatabase, description=null, type=IJC_Default_Implementation_v1_DBEntityJChemBase, schemaName=APP, tableName=MYDATABASE, tableType=TABLE, otherTableNames=[APP.MYDATABASE_UL], cartIndexName=null,$PrimaryKeyColumnDTO@118ffc, valueGenerator=null, props=['emptyStructuresAllowed' = 'FALSE', 'duplicateFiltering' = 'FALSE'], sql=null}
Please look for earlier errors that could have caused this.
The entity has been removed from Instant JChem and can possibly be restored once the problem has been fixed.
FIX: Delete definition for entity 'MyDatabase' [id=D79B02B49BCE436E80C00F5C52EC3BF2]

Warning: Failed to read DataTree MyDatabase for Schema D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708 [ localdb ]
An item required by this DataTree was missing.
The cause was: Root entity [ID = null] of Data Tree [ID = 4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036, name = MyDatabase] is missing. Data Tree cannot be created
Details of the DataTree are:
DataTree: ID=4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036 Name=MyDatabase Type=IJC_Default_Implementation_v1_DataTree
Please look for earlier errors that could have caused this.
The DataTree has been removed from Instant JChem and can possibly be restored once the problem has been fixed.
FIX: Delete definition for datatree 'MyDatabase' [id=4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036]

Warning: For input string: ""
Table info MYDATABASE was not built.
Please check the log file for more detailed information.
Warning: Failed to create Entity MyDatabase for Schema D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708 [ localdb ]"
An item required by this Entity was missing.
The cause was: Table MYDATABASE for entity MyDatabase not found in database
Details of the entity are:
EntityInfo{id=D79B02B49BCE436E80C00F5C52EC3BF2, name=MyDatabase, description=null, type=IJC_Default_Implementation_v1_DBEntityJChemBase, schemaName=APP, tableName=MYDATABASE, tableType=TABLE, otherTableNames=[APP.MYDATABASE_UL], cartIndexName=null,$PrimaryKeyColumnDTO@104892e, valueGenerator=null, props=['emptyStructuresAllowed' = 'FALSE', 'duplicateFiltering' = 'FALSE'], sql=null}
Please look for earlier errors that could have caused this.
The entity has been removed from Instant JChem and can possibly be restored once the problem has been fixed.
FIX: Delete definition for entity 'MyDatabase' [id=D79B02B49BCE436E80C00F5C52EC3BF2]

Warning: Failed to read DataTree MyDatabase for Schema D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708 [ localdb ]
An item required by this DataTree was missing.
The cause was: Root entity [ID = null] of Data Tree [ID = 4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036, name = MyDatabase] is missing. Data Tree cannot be created
Details of the DataTree are:
DataTree: ID=4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036 Name=MyDatabase Type=IJC_Default_Implementation_v1_DataTree
Please look for earlier errors that could have caused this.
The DataTree has been removed from Instant JChem and can possibly be restored once the problem has been fixed.
FIX: Delete definition for datatree 'MyDatabase' [id=4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036]

Warning: For input string: ""
Table info MYDATABASE was not built.
Please check the log file for more detailed information.
Warning: Failed to create Entity MyDatabase for Schema D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708 [ localdb ]"
An item required by this Entity was missing.
The cause was: Table MYDATABASE for entity MyDatabase not found in database
Details of the entity are:
EntityInfo{id=D79B02B49BCE436E80C00F5C52EC3BF2, name=MyDatabase, description=null, type=IJC_Default_Implementation_v1_DBEntityJChemBase, schemaName=APP, tableName=MYDATABASE, tableType=TABLE, otherTableNames=[APP.MYDATABASE_UL], cartIndexName=null,$PrimaryKeyColumnDTO@b375f0, valueGenerator=null, props=['emptyStructuresAllowed' = 'FALSE', 'duplicateFiltering' = 'FALSE'], sql=null}
Please look for earlier errors that could have caused this.
The entity has been removed from Instant JChem and can possibly be restored once the problem has been fixed.
FIX: Delete definition for entity 'MyDatabase' [id=D79B02B49BCE436E80C00F5C52EC3BF2]

Warning: Failed to read DataTree MyDatabase for Schema D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708 [ localdb ]
An item required by this DataTree was missing.
The cause was: Root entity [ID = null] of Data Tree [ID = 4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036, name = MyDatabase] is missing. Data Tree cannot be created
Details of the DataTree are:
DataTree: ID=4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036 Name=MyDatabase Type=IJC_Default_Implementation_v1_DataTree
Please look for earlier errors that could have caused this.
The DataTree has been removed from Instant JChem and can possibly be restored once the problem has been fixed.
FIX: Delete definition for datatree 'MyDatabase' [id=4D498EAD43DB46168B67A9E4A43E8036]

ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd

25-08-2014 07:54:09

Hi Daniel and welcome to the ChemAxon support forum.

First of all, what was the version of IJC that you created the ZIP file on? Also IJC 6.3.3? I tried to reproduce the problem and it was working fine. Maybe there is something different in your set up that could cause this problem (operating system, Java version, IJC version ...). 

What database was used? Oracle, MySQL or Local Derby DB?


In any case, you could also try a workaround for opening the ZIP back up as already covered in this forum post: 

Does this help?


Wishing all the best


User 6b13e33809

26-08-2014 17:19:08

Hi David,

Thanks for the quick reply! I'm using the same version of InstantJChem (6.3.3) on both computers. Its a local database.

The odd thing is that I could transfer and open an older version of the same project successfully but not a newer version.

Its alright, I'm still figuring it out.. but if I can't get it to work, I'll try using InstantJChem for Excel to "port" between the two computers instead.






ChemAxon 26d92e5dcd

10-09-2014 08:06:53

Hi Daniel,

sorry for late response. I was thinking of the possible problem that could cause the problem you are experiencing. Taking into account that you follow the instructions from the link I sent previously, I would recommend also one extra check:

Just after you unzip the ZIP backup, open the folder and navigate to subfolder called .config/ where you should find a file called localdb.ijs. That is a XML file. Open it in a text editor and make sure that it does not contain a line starting with 

<entry key="database.url">

If it is present, delete the line and continue with steps from the link I sent you before.

Does this help or you still experience the problem?


Wishing all the best


User 6b13e33809

10-09-2014 09:06:25

Hi David,

Unfortunately, that didn't work. I didn't had the line in my localdb.ijs but thanks regardless!

