UrlWebApp installation path

User d90f4e1cc8

16-09-2013 12:49:28


I set up the deployment of IJC projects using the UrlWebApp as described here: http://www.chemaxon.com/instantjchem/ijc_latest/docs/admin/ijc_urls.html.

When I start IJC from that link on a Winodws XP machine the installation files of IJC are copied into the user profile (c:\Documents and Settings\user_name\.instantjchem). Unfortunately this directory has a very limited quota (roaming profile).

Is it possible to change the directory?

Other JavaWebStart applications use  the path for Temporary Internet Files that you can set up in the Java Control Panel.


Best regards,



ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

18-09-2013 12:03:42

Hi Mike,

unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. But we could add a switch defining the path used for installation files in some future version.

Thanks for the input.

Best regards,