User bd14eda7b5
28-05-2013 11:22:00
This possible bug was found when I was adding Calculated Text Field in the data table. if adding a text field as varibles and the data in the field (a string) contains comma (,), the imported value of the field is tuncated before the first comma.
For example, I have a text field named "text_field" and I want to add a new caculated text field using "text_field" as varibles. by adding the field to the varibles table, I will get an text varible named "textField" by default. If the value of the "textField" contains a comma or more, such as "Hello, world". This simple script:
return textField
will give a value of "Hello", not the "Hellow, world".
Is there anything wrong with my script or it just a small bug.
Thank you very much.