Tree Table widget

User e05b1833aa

04-04-2013 13:54:42


I played around a bit with the (experimental) Tree Table widget. It crashes when all the fields are selected (Shift-click) under the settings. I wanted to be able to change the alignments for all fields simultaneously (centered). This works in the regular Table widget, but not in this one.

Also the 'Fit table to screen' and 'Adjust columns width to data' options are not available. These would be great enhancements!


ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

16-04-2013 06:34:35


Thanks for your feedback! I added your ideas to our bug-tracking system.

I was not able to get the error in recent production version. It maybe already fixed there. Can you please try it in latest Instant JChem and if it's not fixed, send us more information from the log file?
